Hot Bowling trip turns into straight Czech boys first time gay anal and sucking a guys cock

CzechHunter says: One of my friends invited me for a game of bowling. I almost turned her down but then she mentioned that two of her friends were to join us. That sounded pretty interesting.

Those two boys were quite good looking. One of them was kind of a douche bag so I decided to go after the sweet and innocent one. We all had a great time playing bowling.

I stopped counting drinks after some time and just enjoyed myself. But all that time I had my eyes on Petr. He was a college student so I expected him to be a tough nut to crack.

He sucked at bowling but I didn’t care. I wanted to have fun with him. When he started to loosen up, I proposed a game.

The loser of the game had to show his dick. When he agreed, I knew I got him. The guy was easy.


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